
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

School days, school days

Or at least it's time for the firestorm of paperwork days.

I have two middle schoolers this year. On one hand, this means I am pretty much done with crayons, markers, and all the stuff that goes with elementary. On the other hand, the bigger they get, the more they cost me.

School supplies - Approximately $40, but only because I spent $60 already on mostly stuff they can't use. I was loving the sales and the school of course waits until last minute. I guessed, and guessed wrong. I was spot on with last years backpacks (another year out of them! Awesome! Love buying quality) and only had to replace one lunchbox and 2 water bottles.

Then there is the fundraiser to end all fundraisers. That's right folks, write a check to the school and if they raise the money they should, no fundraisers! No cack to sell. No cookies, wrapping paper, popcorn, etc. If other people ruin this for me, I am going to buy a roll of wrapping paper strictly for beating people.
So $50 there.

Then there is school spirit wear. Required? No. Desired? Yes. I hated not having anything like that when I was in school because as much as I would have liked to pretended not to care, I did. Now my kids are not getting $30 hoodies, but I think we can swing a tshirt a piece.

School sports - $100 participation fee. Not applicable for the younger one, but the older one plans on running track. The good news is I can put this off for a bit and let my wallet rest. The bad news is, it is still $100. Now, I am not going to get into full complaint mode for this, and here is why. The school my girls used to go to cut their elementary art and music programs due to budget cuts across the state. This school cut nothing like it. I don't mind paying for sports if it means they keep the money in the schools.

Then of course there was almost $200 worth of school clothes, which with my luck will be outgrown in a month.

You know, as much as I spent on homeschooling, I think it is way more expensive to send your kids to public school. They enjoy it. There are opportunities in the schools that I can't provide for them as they get older, but damn it makes my bank account sore.

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