
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things I buy while being sued

Because apparently, when faced with overblown lawsuits all life is supposed to stop. I did not know this so I wasted all kinds of money.

I paid for medical care. My younger kid had the bad manners to come down with a serious kidney infection that required three days of hospitalization. Anyone who has spent anytime in the American middle class knows that just because you have insurance doesn't mean the bills don't roll in. If only life were that simple. Of course, a kidney infection wasn't enough for her. This kid afterall spent 10 years of her life being extraordinarily healthy so she had a lot to make up for. A kidney infection led to complications that required her to undergo a procedure six months later. How dare she need to be put under when other people were waiting to get paid. The nerve! Then, mere weeks later there was the unidentified stomach pain the doctors could not find an answer for and were concerned was related. It ended up being an ovarian cyst. Completely unrelated but involved enough bloodwork to fill a mountain of mosquitos and an ultrasound to figure out.

This kid was completely determined to break the bank. Glasses and eye exams were chunked in there. She also failed a hearing test at school which led to follow ups with her doctor, a specialist and of course they want her in hearing aids. Despite what some might think, we are not made of money, so the $3000 hearing aid is on a back burner for the moment since the hearing loss is not bad enough to effect her schooling. We opted for preferential seating instead. At least we have a little common sense!

Then of course there is the other kid who refuses to grow like she should. I suppose we could have skipped the doctor, but I kind of like knowing that she is healthy.

I suppose her braces were just a cosmetic procedure and could have know...for her growth plates to close making braces later take 10 times longer and cause 50 times the amount of pain. Who really cares if she can't close her mouth properly because her facial structure is messed up. Oh wait. I DO! Damn mothers always wanting the best for her kids.

I also paid for stuff like my younger kid's viola. Ugh. Kids don't actually need music right? I also paid for her to swim for another year. Waste of time. She didn't need the ribbons she earned or the self confidence she gained.

Field trips? School expenses? Bah!

Speaking of school expenses, college is a total waste of money. I should settle for making $8.50 an hour like I do now and make the best of it. $1000 a month will pay for...groceries and gas at this point. What, that isn't enough? How dare I even think of spending money on text books and CPR classes and licensing expenses so that I can teach for real and triple my pay. Other people need that money more than I do!

And then I used this timing to pay for the inhaler I needed for years but couldn't afford since I was too busy slinging more money than I had into a house that couldn't be saved. Then there was the glasses I have needed for years but kept putting off.

Be sad for our money management skills. We don't have credit cards. We don't have cable or brand new cars (our fancy "new" truck is a 2003 we have had for years now and our MONTE CARLO is an 01 with 170,000 miles on it we bought cheap to replace the late nineties Malibu with a blown engine. Yeah. Ok then.) We just keep throwing good money after bad like kids and school and medical care. Irresponsible. Completely.

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